We are using Rad Update control with Rad progress for uploading documents in one of the UIs of our website. This functionality works fine with IE 5.5 version and above but the files are not uploaded in Chrome and MS Edge browser. Browsed through this page http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/controls/upload/overview and got know the Chrome is not listed in the supported browser list. However, MS Edge is a new release and I am curios to know if these controls are supported in edge or not?
Right now, the functionality is not working and it will be great if we get some pointers related to work-around for this kind of a challenge faced in MS edge browser and alternatives that can be used to make the page that is using Telerik upload control compatible with both IE and MS Edge.
Thanks in advance,
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
The RadUpload control has been discontinued in June 2013 (Q2’13), as stated in the help article you pointed. Thus, there is no development or support for it and support for new browsers is not included in it.
The article also points resources how you could migrate your RadUpload to its successor - the RadAsyncUpload control, which supports both MS Edge and Google Chrome browsers, in comparison to the RadUpload. I would suggest you to evaluate the RadAsyncUpload and use it instead, if you are required to run your project on MS Edge.
we just startet testing our webapplications using MS Edge. We use the RadAsyncUpload and it is not possible to upload via drag and drop using windows 10 (Build 10240) Edge browser. We also testet the Telerik demo pages on http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/imageeditor/examples/imageupload/defaultcs.aspx?product=asyncupload and it is not possible to upload files via drag and drop.
Are there special setting required?
We are familiar with that problem and it is already logged in our feedback portal and forwarded to our developer team for further investigation. I would suggest you to vote for the bug fix and track the status of the item in the public portal:
In addition, the Drag&Drop functionality works if you have set the DropZones property of the control.
RadCombobox not working on MS Edge browser.
Could you please help anyone..
Could you please elaborate a bit more on the experienced issue? Does the browser crashes, once a ComboBox control is present on the page, or any actions against the control are pushing the browser to crash?
In addition, there was a bug, which is already fixed, related with the RadComboBox usage in Edge - the browser crashes when you attempt to filter the data in the drop down of the control. However, if this is the scenario where you are encountering the problem - it is already fixed and the fix is present in our latest official release: