I have RadAjaxManager control on my master page and 2 RadUpload controls on my content page. Upon postback,I'm getting uploadfiles counts to zero even though I upload files. I know that we can not write files while performing AjaxRequest, so how can I disable Ajax request for this particular page and not for the other pages ?
I have tried following code on my content page but It doesnt work either.
I have RadAjaxManager control on my master page and 2 RadUpload controls on my content page. Upon postback,I'm getting uploadfiles counts to zero even though I upload files. I know that we can not write files while performing AjaxRequest, so how can I disable Ajax request for this particular page and not for the other pages ?
I have tried following code on my content page but It doesnt work either.
RadAjaxManager AjManager = Master.FindControl("RadAjaxManager1") as RadAjaxManager;
AjManager.EnableAJAX = false;