hI, i have a radtreeview which is populated in codebehind, with a list of objects. Thre treeview is inside a split panel. Sometimes i need to open a radwindow popup that opens another url, from a menu that lies in the same page in which the treeview is. The popup opens, i do something in that window (a different url) that causes postbacks in the popup, but not in the main page. It depends on how many postbacks i make in the popup, if i close the popup, and then click on a node in the radtreeview, SOMETIMES it disappears. If i open the popup and make LESS postbacks, all works great. I've tried to bind the treeview into the markup, with an ObjectDataSource, and the strange behavior stops, except for a thing: now the treeview does not disappear, but collapses!
Any ideas?
Any ideas?