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Radtreeview and Whale Intelligent Application Gateway VPN

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mkavici asked on 11 Nov 2008, 08:01 PM

I am having problems with Radtreeview and Whale Intelligent Application Gateway VPN. VPN acts as a proxy server and all request handled by it. When I conneted directly to web site no problem about ajax calls on radtreeview but over VPN ajax doesn't  work. I searched for the problem and found that radtreeview ajax call paths are wrongif I connect over vpn. For example,  when I connect the site directly (, there is no problem. But over VPN (redirects to when I login) it doesn't work. Ajax calls on VPN still uses URL even I have set AjaxUrl property to full path;

RadTreeView1.AjaxUrl = "http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToString() + ":" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"].ToString() + Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath; 

VPN software doesn't convert URL's in javascripts

which is automaticly generated by VPN(it changes on every session) causes the problem. 

The site should work both directly and over VPN. 

Has anyone experienced this kind of problem or has any suggestion?

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