I have two radtreeviews on a page and i would like to drag and drop nodes between the two. I have the drag working fine the destination treeview is adding nodes correctly, but the source treeview is DELETING the dragged node. I am trying to CLONE the source node and reinsert it, to prevent the deletion, but when i simply call:
sourceNode.TreeView.Nodes.Insert(sourceNode.Index, sourceNode.Clone());
I receive the following error. How is it possible that the sourceNode does not match the sourceNode in a CLONE()??? We are using the version v 2008.2.1001.35 of the RadAjax controls.
sourceNode.TreeView.Nodes.Insert(sourceNode.Index, sourceNode.Clone());
I receive the following error. How is it possible that the sourceNode does not match the sourceNode in a CLONE()??? We are using the version v 2008.2.1001.35 of the RadAjax controls.
System.Reflection.TargetException was unhandled
Message="Object does not match target type."
at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.SetValue(Object component, Object value)
at Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode.Clone()