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RadTree using TriStateBoxes + CheckChildNodes lose states

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Development Team
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Development Team asked on 13 Oct 2010, 05:39 PM

The Radtree is within a step of a wizard control with chekboxes=”true”, TriStateBoxes=”true”, CheckChildNodes=”false” as it’s behaviour.

There is a single top level node and two to three levels of child nodes. If you tick the check box on a 2nd level node, with none of its child nodes selected, when you then change steps in the wizard, and then go back to the step with the radtree, the node you have selected appears un-checked. To tick the node again, you seem to have to click the tick box twice.

On submitting the wizard and iterating through the checked nodes in the code behind like this:

IList<RadTreeNode> nodeCollection = rdtGroups.CheckedNodes;


foreach (RadTreeNode CheckedGroupNode in nodeCollection)





If I put a breakpoint in this loop, I can see that the node that appeared to have unchecked itself is actually in the tree controls ‘CheckedNodes’ collection, but it’s ‘CheckedState’ property reads ‘Unchecked’.

Does anyone know a fix or work around for this? Am I missing something here, that I am doing wrong ?

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Nikolay Tsenkov
Telerik team
answered on 18 Oct 2010, 11:08 AM
Hi Development Team,

This is a known issue for RadTreeView and we have fixed that with automatic enabling of CheckChildNodes.

You need to enable CheckChildNodes and this will resolve the conflicts between CheckedState and Checked properties.

Hope this is helpful for you!

Nikolay Tsenkov
the Telerik team
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Development Team
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Nikolay Tsenkov
Telerik team
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