1.Add a
RadToolBar underneath the tab strip. Set the Skin property to "WebBlue". Set the Width property to
"70px" and the
Orientation property to Vertical.
2. Open the RadToolBar Smart Tag and select the
Build RadToolBar... option.
3. Add a
RadToolBarDropDown and a RadToolBarSplitButton with text "Edit" and "Print". Set the ImageUrl
properties for these items to "\images\EditInformationHS.png" and "\images\PrintHS.png" respectively.
4. Select the "Edit" item and add three
RadToolBarButton child items with Text "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste". Set
the ImageUrl properties for these items to "\images\CutHS.png", "\images\CopyHS.png" and
"\images\PasteHS.png" respectively.
5. Select the "Print" item and add two RadToolBarButton child items with Text "Print" and "Preview". Set the
ImageUrl properties for these items to "\images\PrintHS.png" and "\images\PreviewHS.png" respectively.
Step 3, The RadToolBarSplitButton, the ImageURL in design time displays a missing icon image, rather than the actual image. I've replaced it with a RadToolBarDropDown and the issue goes away. It does appear correctly at runtime. Is this a bug?
Please keep me posted, thanks!
-Vinny Davi