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RadTool Content and SPD workflow Email action

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Henry asked on 20 Feb 2009, 07:21 PM

I have a Sharepoint Designer (SPD) workflow set up that send an Email. The content of the email does a lookup to a column that use the RadTools Editor in list. The content that get pulls out always add an additional line break to the content. For example: in the columen I have:

Hello <br> World!

In the E-mail that I receive, I will get:

Hello <br><br> World!

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answered on 24 Feb 2009, 09:58 AM

Use the RadEditor's HTML mode to see exactly what content is submitted to the server. We do not alter the content on the server in any way so what you see in HTML mode is what the editor tries to save in the column. If the extra <br> element is present in HTML mode, try removing it manually and see if that helps. You can also try setting the editor's NewLineBr property to false (from the editor configuration file). This should instruct the editor to use more paragraph <p> tags instead of <br>.

If the extra brake is not present in the HTML mode, then it is probably added after the content has been saved. Since we have no control over the content after it leaves the editor, we cannot offer you a usable workaround in this case.

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