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RadTimePicker in RadGrid problem

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Ken asked on 06 Jan 2009, 09:27 PM


I am using a RadTimePicker template column in a radgrid (both are RadControls for ASP.NET Q2 2008). I initialized StartTime and EndTime for the time pickers, but it does not take effect in the client side - the picker still displays time range from 12:00AM to 23:30. Here is the ASP page (there is only one radgrid control on the page):

<rad:radgrid id="gdActivityTime" runat="server" skin="Office2007" Autogeneratecolumns="false" width="95%">

         <MasterTableView DataKeyNames="ActivityNodeID" ShowHeader="false">

        <rad:GridBoundColumn DataField="ActivityName" HeaderText="Activity"></rad:GridBoundColumn>


                   <rad:RadTimePicker AutoPostBack="true" ID="pkDesignatedStartTime" runat="server" Width="85px" >
                       <TimeView ID="TimeView1" runat="server"  Skin="" Interval="0:30">
                       <PopupButton Visible="False" />
                       <DatePopupButton Visible="False" />
                       <DateInput Skin="" />

Here is the code behind:

//generate 10 rows:
DataTable tblActTime = new DataTable();
tblActTime.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ActivityName", typeof(string)));
tblActTime.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("DesignatedStartTime", typeof(TimeSpan)));
tblActTime.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ActivityNodeID", typeof(string)));

for(int n=0; n<10; n++)
   DataRow dract = tblActTime.NewRow();
   dract["ActivityName"] = string.Format("Activity{0}", n);
   dract["ActivityNodeID"] = n;

gdActivityTime.DataSource = tblActTime;

//initialize start/end time for all time picker in the grid:

TimeSpan dtStart = new TimeSpan(0, 8, 0);
TimeSpan dtEnd = new TimeSpan(0, 21, 0);

foreach (GridDataItem pkgItem in gdActivityTime.MasterTableView.Items)
    DataRowView drx = pkgItem.DataItem as DataRowView;
    RadTimePicker dp = pkgItem.FindControl("pkDesignatedStartTime") as RadTimePicker;
    dp.TimeView.StartTime = dtStart;
    dp.TimeView.EndTime = dtEnd;

Thank you in advance.


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Telerik team
answered on 09 Jan 2009, 08:15 AM
Hello Ken,

I just tested this with the latest versions of our controls and it is working as expected. Please find attached a runnable sample created based on the code and markup you pasted.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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