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RadTextBox PasswordStrengthSettings Scandinavian characters

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juhohe asked on 21 Mar 2017, 09:21 AM

My problem is that a RadTextBox password input does not consider Scandinavian letters (å, ä, ö, Å, Ä, Ö) when it validates if the password is strong enough. I have set MinimumUpperCaseCharacters to value 2 and MinimumLowerCaseCharacters to value 2. The validator accepts password such as "AAss1234". Unfortunately, it does not accept such passwords as "ÄÄöö1234". However, this kind of password is accepted: "AAss1234ääÖÖ".


How could one fix password strength validation so that also Scandinavian letters will be considered in MinimumUpperCaseCharacters and MinimumLowerCaseCharacters?


<telerik:RadTextBox ID="RecoveryAccountPasswordInput" runat="server" MaxLength="15" TextMode="Password" onkeyup="checkPasswordMatchRecovery()" EnableSingleInputRendering="false">

<PasswordStrengthSettings IndicatorElementBaseStyle="Base" ShowIndicator="true" MinimumNumericCharacters="2" MinimumUpperCaseCharacters="2"  MinimumLowerCaseCharacters="2" MinimumSymbolCharacters="0" PreferredPasswordLength="8" CalculationWeightings="50;25;25;0" TextStrengthDescriptions=" Invalid; Invalid; Invalid; Invalid; Acceptable" TextStrengthDescriptionStyles="L0;L1;L2;L3;L4;L5" IndicatorElementID="CustomIndicatorNew">





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Peter Milchev
Telerik team
answered on 24 Mar 2017, 09:06 AM
Hello Juhohe,

By design the Casing Criteria considers only characters a-z lowercase and A-Z uppercase. 

What we would suggest you is subscribing to the OnClientPasswordStrengthCalculating. In the event handler you can manually calculate and set the strength score.

You can see the default password strength calculation in the Telerik.Web.UI project, Input folder, the PasswordStrengthChecker.js file. You can use is as a reference point for your custom calculation logic.

Peter Milchev
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Peter Milchev
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