I'm using the following combinations of Rad Controlls:
RadTabStrip with multiple PageViews (RadMultiPage) and RadGrid into one of the PageViews.
The AutoPostBack prop of the RadTabStrip is set to TRUE; the RenderSelectedPageOnly prop of RadMultiPage is also set to TRUE.
The RadGrid has a Template collumn which defines a CheckBox with prop AutoPostBack set to TRUE (see bellow) :
<radG:GridTemplateColumn DataField="test" UniqueName="test_test"
testc_CheckedChanged is fired and it shouldn't be!
When I set the AutoPostBack prop of the RadTabStrip to FALSE and the RenderSelectedPageOnly prop of RadMultiPage to FALSE.
everything works great.
What could the cause be?
many Thanks,
I'm using the following combinations of Rad Controlls:
RadTabStrip with multiple PageViews (RadMultiPage) and RadGrid into one of the PageViews.
The AutoPostBack prop of the RadTabStrip is set to TRUE; the RenderSelectedPageOnly prop of RadMultiPage is also set to TRUE.
The RadGrid has a Template collumn which defines a CheckBox with prop AutoPostBack set to TRUE (see bellow) :
<radG:GridTemplateColumn DataField="test" UniqueName="test_test"
HeaderText="test" Visible="true">
<asp:CheckBox AutoPostBack="true" ID="testc" OnCheckedChanged="testc_CheckedChanged"
runat="server" Checked='<%#Eval("testt") %>' />
<asp:CheckBox ID="testxx" AutoPostBack="false" runat="server" Checked='<%#Eval("test") %>' /></EditItemTemplate>
The problem is that when the Tab with the RadGrid is loaded all values of the CheckBoxes are set to FALSE and the event
testc_CheckedChanged is fired and it shouldn't be!
When I set the AutoPostBack prop of the RadTabStrip to FALSE and the RenderSelectedPageOnly prop of RadMultiPage to FALSE.
everything works great.
What could the cause be?
many Thanks,