Hi, I'm reading about the RadStyleSheetManage (RSM) and how it can combine customskins. For this, I need to create a separate project (class file) and embed this as a resource. I'm just wondering how this applies to the App_Theme folder which is usually used to create custom skins. We have a custom skin for the Office2007 skin which is in the App_Theme folder. This works fine, but to enable the RSM to use this theme as an embedded resource, I should also create a seperate class project, right? In other words, the Skins defined in the App_Theme folder can not be used as embedded resources?
If so, how would I handle this during design time. Should I use the App_Theme folder to create custom skins and than before deployment add them to this custom class to embed these themes? Or should I use the special class-project from the beginning (not using the app_theme folder at all) and just set the EnableStyleSheetCombine to false for debugging purpose?
Any advice what would be the best/normal appoach for this.
If so, how would I handle this during design time. Should I use the App_Theme folder to create custom skins and than before deployment add them to this custom class to embed these themes? Or should I use the special class-project from the beginning (not using the app_theme folder at all) and just set the EnableStyleSheetCombine to false for debugging purpose?
Any advice what would be the best/normal appoach for this.