My co-worker and I downloaded the WPF trial library, and both of us are having an absolutely horrendous time with the RadSplitButton.
I was happily typing out the XAML (I'm faster with the keyboard than drag 'n drop with the mouse), and I added a RadSplitButton by typing out
"<telerik:RadSplitButton Content="A Split Button", HorizontalAlignment="Center", VerticalAlignment="Top" />"
But then I decided I wanted to move the HorizontalAlignment to Right instead of Center. So I used the arrow keys to put the cursor inside of that XAML line, and focus was moved to the designer window, and no longer in the XAML editor. Every attempt at putting the cursor between "<" and "/>" (inclusive) was met with an instantaneous focus shift to the designer.
I was able to change the setting using the XAML editor only view (no split view with the designer with XAML editor).
I was also able to get cursor focus back into the RadSplitButton entry by entering some invalid XAML in another place in the file. However, when the XAML is correct, the cursor will NOT enter the RadSplitButton.
I was happily typing out the XAML (I'm faster with the keyboard than drag 'n drop with the mouse), and I added a RadSplitButton by typing out
"<telerik:RadSplitButton Content="A Split Button", HorizontalAlignment="Center", VerticalAlignment="Top" />"
But then I decided I wanted to move the HorizontalAlignment to Right instead of Center. So I used the arrow keys to put the cursor inside of that XAML line, and focus was moved to the designer window, and no longer in the XAML editor. Every attempt at putting the cursor between "<" and "/>" (inclusive) was met with an instantaneous focus shift to the designer.
I was able to change the setting using the XAML editor only view (no split view with the designer with XAML editor).
I was also able to get cursor focus back into the RadSplitButton entry by entering some invalid XAML in another place in the file. However, when the XAML is correct, the cursor will NOT enter the RadSplitButton.