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RadSpell not catching simple spelling errors

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Martha asked on 11 Sep 2012, 03:15 PM
I'm using the latest reease (RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2012 SP1) and it is not catching simple spelling errors (like goodby, thimg, etc.) Is there something wrong with the en-US.tdf dictionary??
I have attached a screen print.

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answered on 12 Sep 2012, 02:18 PM
OK so I've given up on using the dictionary that comes with RadSpell becase it definitely has problems.

I've implemented the MSWord Spell Check provider & it works much better & I still have the ability to use a custom dictionary.
But... it has a problem with the word 'the' when it is the first word in the text and the word that follows it has a spelling error. What's going on here?
I have attached a couple of screen prints to give you an idea of what's happening.

BTW I had to modify the example posted in the forum here:
I had to change ApplicationClass to Application to work with the newer version of Word.
Here is the new WordSpellCheckProvider:
/// <summary>
/// MS Word Spell Checking Provider for RadSpell (ASP.NET AJAX version)
/// </summary>
public class WordSpellCheckProvider : ISpellCheckProvider
    private WordIgnoreOptions _wordIgnoreOptions;
    private Application application = new Application();
    private Document document;
    private string _language = "en-US";
    private object missing = Missing.Value;
    private List<string> customWords = new List<string>();
    public WordSpellCheckProvider()
        this.application.Visible = false;
    public WordSpellCheckProvider(Telerik.Web.UI.SpellChecker checker)
        : this()
        if (checker.DictionaryLanguage != string.Empty)
            Language = checker.DictionaryLanguage;
        this.WordIgnoreOptions = checker.WordIgnoreOptions;
        this.Text = checker.Text;
        //read custom dictionary
        checker.CustomDictionarySource.DictionaryPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/RadSpell/");
        checker.CustomDictionarySource.CustomAppendix = checker.CustomAppendix;
        checker.CustomDictionarySource.Language = checker.DictionaryLanguage;
        string customWord = checker.CustomDictionarySource.ReadWord();
        customWords = new List<string>();
        while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customWord))
            customWord = checker.CustomDictionarySource.ReadWord();
    public bool CheckWord(ITextWord current, ITextWord previous)
        if (this.CheckForRepeatWords && previous != null && (current.Word == previous.Word))
            return false;
        if (!this.CheckCapital && current.StartsWithUpper())
            return true;
        if (customWords.Contains(current.Word))
            return true;
        MicrosoftTextWord word = null;
        foreach (Range range in this.document.Words)
            if (range.Text.Trim() == current.Word)
                word = new MicrosoftTextWord(range, Language);
        return (word.Container.SpellingErrors.Count == 0);
    public void Close()
        if (this.application != null)
            this.document = null;
            object saveChanges = null;
            this.application.Quit(ref saveChanges, ref saveChanges, ref saveChanges);
            this.application = null;
    private void CreateDocument()
        Document document = this.application.Documents.Add(ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing);
        document.LanguageDetected = true;
        this.document = document;
    private SpellingSuggestions GetAppSuggestions(ITextWord word)
        SpellingSuggestions suggestionsForRange = null;
        MicrosoftTextWord word2 = null;
        foreach (Range range in this.document.Words)
            if (range.Text.Trim() == word.Word)
                word2 = new MicrosoftTextWord(range, Language);
        if (word2 != null)
            suggestionsForRange = this.GetSuggestionsForRange(word2);
        return suggestionsForRange;
    private string GetDocumentText()
        if (this.document == null)
            return string.Empty;
        return this.document.Content.Text;
    public string[] GetSuggestions(ITextWord word)
        SpellingSuggestions appSuggestions = this.GetAppSuggestions(word);
        if ((appSuggestions == null) || (appSuggestions.SpellingErrorType == WdSpellingErrorType.wdSpellingCorrect))
            return new string[0];
        string[] strArray = new string[appSuggestions.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < appSuggestions.Count; i++)
            SpellingSuggestion suggestion = appSuggestions[i + 1];
            strArray[i] = suggestion.Name;
        return strArray;
    private SpellingSuggestions GetSuggestionsForRange(MicrosoftTextWord word)
        Range container = word.Container;
        object ignoreUppercase = !this.CheckAllCaps;
        return container.GetSpellingSuggestions(ref this.missing, ref ignoreUppercase, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing);
    private SpellingSuggestions GetSuggestionsForString(string word)
        object ignoreUppercase = !this.CheckAllCaps;
        return this.application.GetSpellingSuggestions(word, ref this.missing, ref ignoreUppercase, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing, ref this.missing);
    public ITextWord GetWord(int index)
        return new MicrosoftTextWord(this.document.Words[index + 1], Language);
    private void SetDocumentText(string text)
        Range content = this.document.Content;
        content.Text = text;
        content.LanguageID = MicrosoftTextWord.GetLanguage(Language);
    // Properties
    private bool CheckAllCaps
            return ((this.WordIgnoreOptions & Telerik.Web.UI.WordIgnoreOptions.UPPERCASE) == 0);
    private bool CheckCapital
            return ((this.WordIgnoreOptions & Telerik.Web.UI.WordIgnoreOptions.WordsWithCapitalLetters) == 0);
    private bool CheckForRepeatWords
            return ((this.WordIgnoreOptions & Telerik.Web.UI.WordIgnoreOptions.RepeatedWords) == 0);
    private bool CheckWordsWNumbers
            return ((this.WordIgnoreOptions & Telerik.Web.UI.WordIgnoreOptions.WordsWithNumbers) == 0);
    public Document CurrentDocument
            return this.document;
    public string Language
            return _language;
            _language = value;
    public string Text
            return this.GetDocumentText();
    public int WordCount
            return this.document.Words.Count;
    public WordIgnoreOptions WordIgnoreOptions
            return this._wordIgnoreOptions;
            this._wordIgnoreOptions = value;
Telerik team
answered on 13 Sep 2012, 03:07 PM

I was able to replicate the reported problem with the MSWordSpellCheck provider and logged it for investigation in our bug tracking system. Here you can find the PITS Issue: Public URL. I also updated your Telerik points.

You can currently try the other available providers for RadSpell: Custom OpenOffice NHunspell provider and Custom Google spellcheck provider.

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