I was very pleased to see the addition of the RadSignature-control to the Telerik UI for ASP-NET AJAX suite, however there are some functionalities, which we would require to properly make use of this control.
- If one wants to read the resulting signature server-side (after a button-click / form submission), one kind of has to work with a lot of javascript and hidden input fields to transfer the base64-encoded png towards the server. It would be way nicer, if you could provide the content of the signature as a server-side property of the RadSignature-control (during post-back).
- Relating to 1.: I've managed to use the client-event OnChange to write a hidden field each time the signature changes, but there's no event to hook in case of a reset; therefore I cannot detect resets to reset the value of the hidden field. (And let's just say, it's infeasible to us to read the signature-content on form submission because of dynamically generated controls.) Thus I cannot use the built-in reset button, but I would have to implement it myself to be able to reset the hidden field and the signature-control at the same time (using the js-method "reset" of the kendo widget).
- If one opens a dialog/window containing a RadSignature-control and resizes the dialog (e.g. make it twice as large) then the position of the cursor on the canvas does not match the position of the strokes anymore. Painting in the top-left corner is sort of okay/close, but the further one moves the cursor towards the bottom-right, the bigger the offset will be.
- It would be great, if the control would provide functionality to validate for mandatory user input. I.e. I (as a developer) don't want to have to memorize/manage a variable focusedSignatureDefaultContent (c.f. docs for RadSignature) for each RadSignature-control I want to put on a page. Best case, the RadSignature control manages this data for me and I can either read a boolean to determine if its contents have changed (client- and especially server-side).
And some other bugs, I've stumbled upon (- which are not as relevant to us):
- If you paint a stroke on the canvas, then "maximize" the RadSignature-control (effectively zooming in on the control) and then paint a second stroke, you'll see that those strokes will have a different line width; the second one being bigger.
- If you repeatedly maximize/minimize the RadSignature control and draw a stroke each time on the bottom of the canvas, then the resulting image will get distorted.
If you need any further information on any of those topics, feel free to ask.
Kind regards,