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RadScriptManager and RadStyleSheetManager not working

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ScriptManager and StyleSheetManager
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Alexandru asked on 24 Mar 2009, 04:38 PM

I have used this 2 controls and everything was great. The application was a lot faster - the tests performed on the server were really great. I included the controls in my masterpage and in the web.config associated with the website I have registered the controls. I have also used RadCompression.

But, after a while and after no updates were made on the server or localy, I have found out that the application behaves like before the optimisation: really slow and with dozens of separate requests performed by the browser. What could be the cause, expecialy(!) if I didn't modify the code.

Also, given this problem, how can I tell if the RadCompression is executed corectly?
This is what I use: radcontrols for aspnet ajax 2008 Q3, version 2008.3.1314.20

If anyone can tell where I can start looking for this issue, please reply.
Thanks a lot.


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ScriptManager and StyleSheetManager
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