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RadScheduler with Update Panel issue

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Alexandru asked on 22 Jul 2015, 11:31 AM

I have the following RadScheduler inside an update panel:


<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
                    <telerik:RadPane runat="Server" ID="bottomPane" Scrolling="None" Height="1000">--%>   
        <telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" Skin="Office2007" Height="100%" OverflowBehavior="Auto"
                            DataKeyField="Id" DataSubjectField="Subject" DataStartField="Start" DataEndField="End"
                            DataRecurrenceField="RecurrenceRule" DataRecurrenceParentKeyField="RecurrenceParentId"
                            SelectedView="WeekView" ShowFooter="false"
                            DayStartTime="07:00:00" DayEndTime="21:00:00" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday" LastDayOfWeek="Sunday"
                            EnableDescriptionField="true" AppointmentStyleMode="Default" ClientIDMode="Static" ClientID="RadScheduler1" StartEditingInAdvancedForm="true" >
                            <AdvancedForm Modal="true"></AdvancedForm>
                            <TimelineView UserSelectable="false"></TimelineView>
                                <div class="rsResourceHeader<%# Eval("Text") %>">
                                    <%# Eval("Text") %>
                            <TimeSlotContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true" />
                            <AppointmentContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true" />
                            <Localization />


Whenever i update an appointment in the advanced, the built-in subject validator works (the subject field border gets red and it does nothing if the subject field is empty). In the normal insert, the AppointmentInsert event fires and I can validate the subject in code behind. However, when i insert a new appointment in the advanced form, if the subject field is empty, the border gets red, but the UpdatePanel loads, the AppointmentInsert event doesn't fire and the page gets blocked. I attached a picture.


Thank you very much.

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answered on 27 Jul 2015, 06:08 AM

I have tested the described behavior with the provided code in a sample test page with RadScheduler bound to a dummy XML database and it worked correctly at my side. I am attaching my test page so please review it and let me know what else should be done in order to observe the issue.

One more think using ClientIDMode="Static" is not supported by RadControl and it may be causing the odd behavior so I will recommend you to remove it from the code.

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