I am using the scheduler control for a project, and I am quite new to it, your guidance on below 3 problems would be very helpful.
I have a list of free time, and time booked for appointment etc. Now based on this the remaining timeslots should be disabled.
i.e. for example if for today I have my time available from say 9:00 AM to 10:00AM then an appointment from 10:00AM to 12:AM and then a available time from 12:PM to 3:00PM . except for these time the remaining timeslots should be disabled. How can I achieve this.
I am loading the appointment from the server side, hence using the TimeSlotCreated event I was not able to change the timeslots.
Also if you can help me on how to add a tooltip to the available timeslots(in the above example 9:00AM to 10:00AM, I have to show a tool tip as say "available from 9:00AM - 10:00AM".
Third how can I clear a scheduler, say today I have data in scheduler horizontally 3 users in header and each having some appointment, when I move to next day if there are no users and no appointment, I want to clear the scheduler so that the old data is removed. I Tried to clear using below code, but still the see that the header and appointment persist.
DiarySchedule.DataKeyField = "ID";
DiarySchedule.DataStartField = "Start";
DiarySchedule.DataEndField = "End";
DiarySchedule.DataSubjectField = "Subject";
DiarySchedule.DataDescriptionField = "Description";
DiarySchedule.DataRecurrenceField = "RecurrenceRule";
DiarySchedule.DataRecurrenceParentKeyField = "RecurrenceParentID";
DiarySchedule.DataSource = Appointments;
Thank you