I created a RadScheduler that works in parallel with a RadToolTipManager using this demo as a guide: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/scheduler/examples/radtooltip/defaultcs.aspx . Everything is working as intended, except for one thing that I cannot figure out related to the "VisibleAppointmentsPerDay" property.
The basic problem is this: If I set RadScheduler1.MonthView.VisibleAppointmentsPerDay = 4, and then switch to the DayView on the browser, the custom tool tip I wrote will only appear for the first 4 appointments on that day. Any other appointments simply show the default tool tip. I verified that the VisibleAppointmentsPerDay property was the issue by setting it to 5, which made my custom tool tip appear for the first 5 appointments.
I only want 4 visible appointments on the MonthView, but I still want all the appointments to use my custom tool tip on the DayView. Can anyone give me some insight as to what to do in this situation?