I am getting the following error on Internet Explorer. When I hover over the scheduler calendar appointment. We just recently purchased telerik and wanted to see if other people have had the same issue.
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property '_allowDelete' of undefined or null reference
4 Answers, 1 is accepted
Would you please confirm that the Scheduler - Creating Appointments with Drag-and-drop online demo is working as expected on your side - screencast?
Also, would you please check if the Compatibility mode of Internet Explorer is disabled?
If the issue is not replicated in the demo and the Compatibility mode is disabled, would you please modify the attached project so that it throws that error and send it back to us in an official support ticket?
To run the project, you should just place the Telerik assemblies in the Bin folder of the project.
Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik
Hi Peter,
After looking through the demo code and some previous test code I developed, I found the issue. Please see my code below. I was doing a Databind on the RadScheduler when the event OnAppointmentCreated was fired. Can you please give me some feedback on why this would cause a JavaScript error client side.
protected void RadScheduler1_OnAppointmentCreated(object sender, AppointmentCreatedEventArgs e)
var lblArrival = e.Container.FindControl("lblArrival") as Label;
var lblDeparture = e.Container.FindControl("lblDeparture") as Label;
var lblPersonalFlgiht = e.Container.FindControl("lblPersonalFlight") as Label;
var lblSeats = e.Container.FindControl("lblSeats") as Label;
lblArrival.Text = e.Container.Appointment.Resources.GetResourceByType("AirportNameArr").Text;
lblDeparture.Text = e.Container.Appointment.Resources.GetResourceByType("AirportNameDep").Text;
var rowsLFightDetails = drFightDetails(Convert.ToInt32(e.Appointment.ID));
if (Convert.ToBoolean(rowsLFightDetails[0]["confidential"]))
e.Container.Appointment.BackColor = Color.OrangeRed;
lblPersonalFlgiht.Visible = Convert.ToBoolean(rowsLFightDetails[0]["personalflight"]);
lblSeats.Text = rowsLFightDetails[0]["availableseats"].ToString();
Rebind in the AppointmentCreated event is not recommended as it disrupts the normal appointment binding process. Also, the AppointmentCreated is fired for every event, which would cause a big performance issue if the DataBind method is called in it.
Would you please clarify what you are trying to achieve by rebinding in the AppointmentCreated event? Thus, we would be able to better understand your case and provide you more specific suggestions.
Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik