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RadSchedular in OnClientAppointmentMoveEnd

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Melike asked on 18 Nov 2013, 07:55 PM
hi.. i'm new user for radschedular and i have questions some point.. i want to when the appointment is moved updated for database..
. js and. cs pages have only encode but I could not send my data OnClickAppointmentMoveEnd  to radschedular_appointmentUpdate..
i have tried for this "schedular.updateAppointment(appointment)" but not contact to radschedular_appointmentUpdate in .cs file..
Any help would be great.

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Nov 2013, 09:45 AM

Unfortunately the scenario is still not clear. That is why I created a basic sample with RadScheduler bound to SQL DataSource and attached it here for you. Please review it and if your scenario is different than this please send us the exact mark up and code behind that you are using so we could inspect it and be more helpful.

If you want to have additional fields that are connected with each appointment you can use Custom attributes as for example it is done in this on-line demo. You have to list them to theCustomAttributeNames property  with comma separators and set AdvancedForm-EnableCustomAttributeEditing property to true if you want to have them visible in the advanced form.

Hope this information will be helpful. 

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answered on 25 Nov 2013, 07:03 AM
I know this options.. This is provide insert or edit template visibilitiy.. Already its done..
The problem is run the script.js in OnClickAppointmentMoveEnd and than contact default.cs in RadSchedular_AppointmentUpdate..
Because of, when the appointment move end, update for appointment datas in my databses.. I want to do this..

Telerik team
answered on 28 Nov 2013, 06:57 AM
Hello Melike,

By default in both events you can get the data of the appointment and its new start and end but they are not literally connected and you can not send data directly from one event to the other. 

Hope this will explain the issue. 

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