I am using RadRibbonWindow, in which i am setting MinWidth and MinHeight.
But, the window can still be made smaller using the crosshairs which appear at the edge of the window.
Is this a bug or am i missing something? Please help!
Thanks! :)
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
As long as you set MinWidth and MinHeight to the RadRibbonWindow, it cannot be made smaller than those sizes. I'd like to ask that you provide further information because I am not reproducing the problem with our latest release version. For example what is the version of out controls you are using, also are you using the native Windows OS theme for the window or one of our predefined themes (by tweaking the IsWindowsThemeEnabled property). It would be best if you can send us a small runnable sample so that we can inspect it locally and further assist you.

I have attached a sample of the application. Pls rename the extension to ".zip" as the site did not allow this extension.
Thank you!

I am using this version: 2015.1.401.45.
Dlls: Telerik.Windows.Controls & Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView

Hi Martin,
I have a small runnable sample to attach, but i am not able to as my every post is being marked with spam. Any pointers how to bypass that?

Hi Martin,
I have a small runnable sample to attach, but i am not able to as my every post is being marked with spam. Any pointers how to bypass that?
After some more testing I was able to reproduce the issue with version 2015.1.401 of UI for WPF. However, the issue doesn't appear in the latest version of our controls. This is why I recommend you to update your dlls. This way you can take advantage of the newest features and bug fixes.
As for the attachment, the forum posts allow only the attachment of images. If you want to send an archive with the code, you could open a new support ticket. Or you could include a few code snippets in your posts that can be used for assembling a runnable project that reproduces the issue.