I have a sharepoint 2010 web part.
I am calling RAD prompt from code behind on a button click as follows :
and the function definition is as follows:
I have a sharepoint 2010 web part.
I am calling RAD prompt from code behind on a button click as follows :
RadWindowManager1.RadPrompt("Press Ok to submit for approval", "promptCallBackFn", 330, 160, null, "Note to PM on what was changed", "");
and the function definition is as follows:
function promptCallBackFn(arg) {
if (arg) //the user clicked OK
__doPostBack("<%=hdnbtnGetComment.UniqueID %>", arg);
THe RAdprompt screen is opening correctly but The OK, Cance button is not working. It will not close the prompt on clicking either ok or Cancel. Internet version is IE8