On my aspx page i use RadProgressArea, and manual update progress, using code below
protected void buttonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadProgressContext context = RadProgressContext.Current;
context.SecondaryTotal = value;
context.SecondaryValue = value;
context.SecondaryPercent = value;
So, if i click submit button, and try to update progress on several pages, all pages use same RadProgressContextm and i see rubbish in progress area (percentage jumps forward and backward).
Any workaround for this bug?
protected void buttonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadProgressContext context = RadProgressContext.Current;
context.SecondaryTotal = value;
context.SecondaryValue = value;
context.SecondaryPercent = value;
So, if i click submit button, and try to update progress on several pages, all pages use same RadProgressContextm and i see rubbish in progress area (percentage jumps forward and backward).
Any workaround for this bug?