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RadPanelItem customization.

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Hema Raju
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Rank 1
Hema Raju asked on 03 May 2010, 07:56 AM

I'm using RadPanelBar and have defined some item in it (RadPanelItem). For these items I need to customize the band as follows:

1. Hide the default expaned/collapsed image (which is shown in the right side of the band). ?

2. I'm showing my own images for expaned / collapsed states as below, and also I want to set "uparrow.gif" as default image for the band ,how to set a default image for the band  ?

<telerik:RadPanelItem Text="Employees" Value="emp" Expanded="true" ExpandedImageUrl="uparrow.gif" SelectedImageUrl="downarrow.gif">
  <telerik:RadGrid ID="grdEmp" GridLines="None" runat="server" AllowAutomaticDeletes="True"  EnableViewState="true"
                                                            AllowMultiRowSelection="true" AllowAutomaticInserts="True" AllowAutomaticUpdates="True"
                                                            AllowPaging="false" Skin="Telerik" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="emp"

3. in another case , i have a radgrid under the radpanelitem, and want to set the number of records of the grid to be displayed in the radpanelItem band on the right hand side , for example 14500 item(s)

Kindly suggest.


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Hema Raju
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