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RADPanel and Dynamic Controls

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Vivek asked on 30 Nov 2010, 06:12 PM
We have requirement, where in we need to create dynamic controls, so need to add controls like buttons,textbox, radCalenderPicker and few other controls, we are facing 2 issues currently,
1. We have a remove button, which should remove set of items, which currently I am adding as Items, so we wanted to know, can we use removeatIndex() and wanted to understand this functionality.
2. And second must bigger issue is, whenever we have a post back, the dynamic controls gets disappears, and we can only see the RadPanelBar, so can you guys let us know the better approach.
3. Can we use Repeaters inside a RadPanelBar?

Below is the code Snippet
// This the code snippet which is used to create dynamic controls

override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
//Method gets click event name
            myControl = GetPostBackControl(this.Page);
            if ((myControl != null))
                if ((myControl.ClientID.ToString() == btnAddDestination.ClientID.ToString()))// "AddDestinations_btnAddDestination"))
                    stDestinationCnt = stDestinationCnt + 1;
            if ((myControl != null))
                if ((myControl.ClientID.ToString() == btnAddDestination.ClientID.ToString()))
 //stDestination has custom logic, which is used to add number of controls and also keeps track of previous count
                    for (int i = 0; i < stDestinationCnt; i++)
                        // Litrals first line of table
                        LiteralControl literalHeader = new LiteralControl(@"<table border=""0"" width=""100%""><tr>");
Label lbldest = new Label();
                        lbldest.ID = "lbldestination" + stDestinationCnt.ToString();
                        lbldest.Text = "Destination:";
                        //Textbox for destination ID
                        LiteralControl literalDestinationIDTxt = new LiteralControl(@"</td><td width=""100px"">");
                        TextBox txtdestination = new TextBox();
                        txtdestination.Text = "Destination";
                        txtdestination.ID = "txtDestination" + stDestinationCnt.ToString();
  LiteralControl literalRemove = new LiteralControl(@"</td><td rowspan=""4"">");
                        Button btn = new Button();
                        btn.ID = "Remove" + stDestinationCnt.ToString();
                        btn.Text = "Remove";
newChild.Visible = true;
                        //Add Controls to Panel Bar

//ascx design
    <telerik:RadPanelBar runat="server" ID="RadPanDestination" Text="Test" ExpandMode="SingleExpandedItem"
        Width="100%" >
            <telerik:RadPanelItem Text="Destinations" Width="100%">

 we are having this code in user control

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Telerik team
answered on 03 Dec 2010, 02:48 PM
Hi Vivek,

Straight to your questions:

1.  you should use RemoveAt(index) method of the Controls collection of the item:


2. Dynamically added controls should be re-added on every postback with the same ID.

3. there should be no problem to place repeaters inside RadPanelBar items template.

All the best,
the Telerik team
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