I'm trying to get my UI framework built and I'm having some difficulty getting the default state of things working correctly. I attached two photos, one is the default view that my current XAML gives me and the second picture is how I want it to be displayed by default. Essentially, I would like a new RadPane or RadDocumentPane to display as a Tabbed Document by default. This means having each pane have it's own "window", not tabs stacked up in the same window. Hopefully that makes sense.
If you need any other information, please let me know.
Kindest Regards,
<telerikHelpers:PyrixRadPaneGroup PanesSource="{Binding DockingManagerVM.DockingWindowVMs}"
PanesTemplateSelector="{StaticResource DockingTemplateSelector}" />
<telerik:RadDocking x:Name="radDocking1">
<telerik:RadSplitContainer Height="200" InitialPosition="DockedTop" Orientation="Horizontal">
<telerik:RadPaneGroup telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="200, 200">
<telerik:RadPane Header="pane" />
<telerik:RadPaneGroup telerik:ProportionalStackPanel.RelativeSize="400, 200">
<telerik:RadDocumentPane Header="pane" />