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RadPane content width issue

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PureCode asked on 13 Mar 2009, 01:16 AM

We noticed this in our application while testing the beta of Q1 2009. Now that we plugged in the release of Q1 2009, the issue remained.

First thing I did before diving into the depths of our code, I checked your web mail demo, which (fortunately for us), displays the same issue.

See the attached image for a 'view' of the issue (screen shots made from the notes part of the web mail demo, but is visible within the entire application):

Example Image

Basically, when one sets a control to occupy a width of 100% of a RadPane that borders the right side of the browser window, the control is drawn 1px too wide, causing borders to fall outside the visible area, without scroll bars appearing. Interestingly enough, when I selected the shown entry in DebugBar, the issue vanished and the border became visible. When I wanted to take the screen shot for the DebugBar entry, I had to re-size the DebugBar side-bar and, like magic, the border went missing again. The issue was observed in IE7 and FireFox 3.

This is a pressing issue for us, since I have to demo our application framework next week to a very large customer.



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Telerik team
answered on 16 Mar 2009, 03:55 PM
Hello Mike,
We are aware of the problems in the exact offsetWidth and offsetHeight of the RadSplitter when you use splitter with borders and we have on our TODO list for Q2 2009 the task to improve this as much as possible. Depending on the exact scenario, there might be a suitable workaround. For example, you can try one of the following:
  1. Set the size of the RadSplitBars for your RadSplitters explicitly, using the SplitBarsSize property of the RadSplitter.
  2. Remove the borders of the RadSplitter in case you do not need them, using the BorderSize property. This actually fixes the problem in the demo you mention - when I set BorderSize=0 for the two nested splitters, the border of the RadGrid shows as expected.

However, as I understand this issue is urgent for you, in case you send me your definition of the RadSplitter(s) and some sample content with which I can reproduce the problem, I will do my best to investigate what exactly is causing the problem in your setup and prepare a suitable workaround.

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answered on 16 Mar 2009, 08:46 PM
Hi Tsvetie,

Thanks for the reply. The border width work-around seems to solve the issue for the most part in our framework. We'll have to do some fixing of the 'look' because a few things went weird in the (dynamically generated) pages after that, but that is our issue.

Thanks so far, looking forward to the real fix.


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