I am currently styling alot of radtextboxes and radnumerictextbox in a table and i cannot get them aligned underneath each other.
It seems the right border of wrapper on the numeric textbox pushes one pixel more to the right than on
other textboxes. Of course i can set the width of the numeric textbox to one less pixel, but that gives me no perfect right alignment.
The maskedTextBox is also off by one to the right. I could pad the radtextbox one more pixel to the right, but would like exactly one pixel in between the table and the controls.
It seems the right border of wrapper on the numeric textbox pushes one pixel more to the right than on
other textboxes. Of course i can set the width of the numeric textbox to one less pixel, but that gives me no perfect right alignment.
The maskedTextBox is also off by one to the right. I could pad the radtextbox one more pixel to the right, but would like exactly one pixel in between the table and the controls.