The company I am working uses the RadNumericInput control with it's language set to Danish (Denmark).
The problem occurs when you click from the RadNumericInput's autocomplete dropdown.
When I doubleclick the RadNumericInput control, I have these numbers listed in the autocomplete dropdown.
If I select a number and lost focus from the RadNumericInput control, the following happens.
400.000 -> 400 // any characters starting from the thousand separator to the end of the entry are being
disregarded if it contains zeroes.
444444 -> 444 444 // the value was formatted but the thousand separator becomes space character
444.444 -> 444 444 // the thousand separator becomes space character
500.000 -> 500 // any characters starting from the thousand separator to the end of the entry are being
disregarded if it contains zeroes.
555.555 -> 555 555 // the thousand separator becomes space character
Is there any way to fix this?
Thank you and best regards,
The company I am working uses the RadNumericInput control with it's language set to Danish (Denmark).
The problem occurs when you click from the RadNumericInput's autocomplete dropdown.
When I doubleclick the RadNumericInput control, I have these numbers listed in the autocomplete dropdown.
If I select a number and lost focus from the RadNumericInput control, the following happens.
400.000 -> 400 // any characters starting from the thousand separator to the end of the entry are being
disregarded if it contains zeroes.
444444 -> 444 444 // the value was formatted but the thousand separator becomes space character
444.444 -> 444 444 // the thousand separator becomes space character
500.000 -> 500 // any characters starting from the thousand separator to the end of the entry are being
disregarded if it contains zeroes.
555.555 -> 555 555 // the thousand separator becomes space character
Is there any way to fix this?
Thank you and best regards,