I have veritcal radmenu containing root items of different lengths and sub menus under the root items. When the page first opens the sub menus correctly show on top of the root items when expanded. After moving the mouse back and forth expanding the root items eventually the sub menus are showing behind some of the root menus. When I inspect the elements I can see that normally the root items swap between a 7000 and 8000 z-index depending if the sub menu is expanded or not. When the root items start to show through the sub menus I can see that the z-index for the root item showing through the sub menu is stuck at 8000. It is as if a javascript stopped working correctly. This is happening in Chrome, Safari and Firefox so far.
Any ideas on how to get this to work? I have attached an image of the issue.
Any ideas on how to get this to work? I have attached an image of the issue.