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radmenu onclick updateprogress

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Pierre asked on 01 Dec 2012, 01:52 PM
I' m new in raddevelopment and I'm trying the free Telerik's version
For some reason, I put the radMenu control in an ascx control and the ascx control is in a masterPage
The basic functions of the menu are working well
But the calling pages are heavy, and it takes several secondes/ minutes to load.
I need to put a waiting message onload
In a normal aspx page, I put the radMenu in an updatepanel, with a updateprogress and there isn't ny problem
But,in the mentioned situation, I tried onclick, onitemclick, onitemdatadound, and every onclient function. I won't be able to fire any waiting message.
Do you have some idea?
Thank you

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answered on 09 Dec 2012, 08:06 PM
I hope I had no response it's not because I use the free version
I have found a way to do what I wanted, so I try explain to you

In my ascx control, I created a asp:panel witch css display set to none, I called it the 'waitingPanel'
Within this panel, I created an other one called 'withinPanel'. With this one, I set all the css properties I need (Z-index, and so on), and I wote my waiting message

I wrote a very simple javascript funtion
funtion showWaitingPanel() {
    document.getElementByID('<%= waintingPanel.ClientID%>').style.display = 'block';

In the radMenu, I added:

That's all

It works in a masterPage too.
It was very simple!

thank you

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