I have a table with a phone number stored as a long/nullable. (I can’t change it…)
All is well except for editing the record with an empty fax number in this case. An error dialog tells me that I don’t have a valid value for int64.
If I input a value of 0 in the radmaskedtextbox the record saves but then I have a 0 for the fax number. I need it to be blank/null if there is no number entered
Thanks for any help!
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="AgencyMainFax" DataType="System.Int64" HeaderText="Main Fax" DataFormatString="{0:(###) ###-####}" AllowFiltering="false" SortExpression="AgencyMainFax" UniqueName="AgencyMainFax">
The edittemplate:
<telerik:radmaskedtextbox ID="RadMaskedTextBox2" runat="server" Mask="(###) ###-####"
Text='<%# Bind("AgencyMainFax") %>' Width="125px">