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RadLiveTile - Unexpected token ERROR

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Yves asked on 17 Mar 2016, 01:14 AM


I'm having issues with RadLive capturing the value returned by my web service. I believe the web service is returning an xml while RadLiveTile is expecting a jason format. Can you please help me here?

WebService business logic:

   public class GarageMap
       public int OccupiedSpaces{set;get;}
       public GarageMap() { }
       public GarageMap(int propertyid)
       private void loadMap(int property_id)
           DBTransaction Transaction = new DBTransaction();
           DBTransactionParameter param = new DBTransactionParameter();
           param.Type = SqlDbType.VarChar;
           param.Name = "@PropertyID";
           param.Value = "3";
           List<DBTransactionParameter> plist = new List<DBTransactionParameter>();
           DataTable DT = Transaction.Select("sp_GetAllOccupiedSpacesCount", true, plist);
           DataRow dr = DT.Rows[0];
           OccupiedSpaces= Convert.ToInt32( dr["AllOccupiedSpaceCount"].ToString());      


       [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet=false)]
       //[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
       public GarageMap OccupiedSpaceCount()
           //string j = "{'test': 1}";
           ////return j;
           return new GarageMap(3);  

ASPX Page:

<div class="tilesWrapper">
            <telerik:RadLiveTile ID="DellTile" NavigateUrl="" runat="server" UpdateInterval="3000" Value="FB">
                <Title ImageUrl=""></Title>                 
            <telerik:RadLiveTile ID="GoogleTile" NavigateUrl="" runat="server" UpdateInterval="4000" Value="GOOG">
                <Title ImageUrl="../../images/LiveTiles/logo_Google.png"></Title>
            <telerik:RadLiveTile ID="YahooTile" NavigateUrl="" runat="server" UpdateInterval="5000" Value="YHOO">
                <Title ImageUrl="../../images/LiveTiles/logo_Yahoo.png"></Title>
            <telerik:RadLiveTile ID="MicrosoftTile" NavigateUrl="" runat="server" UpdateInterval="6000" Value="MSFT">
                <Title ImageUrl="../../images/LiveTiles/logo_Microsoft.png"></Title>

 Code Behind:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
       private void InitializeTile(RadLiveTile tile)
           tile.CssClass = "liveTile";
           tile.Target = "_blank";
           //The text between the #= # characters is replaced by the corresponding properties of the data item
           //returned on the web service response.
           tile.ClientTemplate = @"
               <div class=""tileClientTemplate"">
                   <div><strong>change:</strong> <img src=""../Assets/Icons/arrow_down.png"" alt="""" /> #= OccupiedSpaces #</div>
                   <div><strong>stock quote:</strong> #= OccupiedSpaces #</div>
                   <div><strong>updated:</strong> #=  OccupiedSpaces #</div>
           //Configure the web service providing the live data.
           tile.WebServiceSettings.Path = "";
           tile.WebServiceSettings.Method = "OccupiedSpaceCount";
           //Attach client side event handlers.
           tile.OnClientDataLoaded = "tileDataLoaded";
           tile.OnClientDataLoadingError = "tileDataLoadingError";
           tile.OnClientTemplateDataBound = "tileClientTemplateDataBound";


Java Script File:

<script type="text/javascript">
             function tileDataLoadingError (sender, args) {
        //The dataLoaded client side event occurs after the data request returns the data successfully.
             function tileDataLoaded(sender, args) {
            var data = args.get_data();
            //format the received date property
            //data.LastUpdated = data.LastUpdated.format("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss");
        //The templateDataBound client-side event occurs after the client template is data bound.
            function tileClientTemplateDataBound(sender, args) {
                if (args.get_dataItem().Change >= 0) {
                    args.set_html(args.get_html().replace("Assets/Icons/arrow_down.png", "Assets/Icons/arrow_up.png"));


Browser Webservice call output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 Browser Console Error:


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <


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