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RadListView and RSSFeed Live demo

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Thomas asked on 03 Dec 2012, 02:37 PM

I've used a part of the code from the RSSFeed Live demo in my own web user control.
When the RSS source isn't available the RSS reader fails.

How can I handle errors in loading the RSS feed so it won't make the application crash, and also, how can I set the text for the prev and next buttons from code behind?



<telerik:RadListView ID="RadListView1" runat="server" OnNeedDataSource="RadListView1_NeedDataSource"
    AllowPaging="true" ItemPlaceholderID="Panel1" PageSize="3">
        <div class="layoutWrapper">
            <div class="rssHeaderWrapper" title="Copyright, 2011 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All Rights Reserved.">
                <div class="rssSubHeader">
                    honda world news
                <div class="rssHeader">
                    rss <span class="rssHeadingDate">
                        <%# DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString().ToLower() %></span>
            <br />
            <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
            <div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;">
                <asp:ImageButton ID="PrevBtn" runat="server" CommandName="Page" CommandArgument="Prev"
                    AlternateText="<" CssClass="rssButtons" ImageUrl="images/iconPrev.png" />
                <asp:ImageButton ID="RefreshBtn" runat="server" CommandName="Rebind" AlternateText="Refresh"
                    CssClass="rssButtons" ImageUrl="images/iconRefresh.png" />
                <asp:ImageButton ID="NextBtn" runat="server" CommandName="Page" CommandArgument="Next"
                    AlternateText=">" CssClass="rssButtons" ImageUrl="images/iconNext.png" />
        <table class="rssTable" title='Item <%# (Container as RadListViewDataItem).DataItemIndex %>, Page <%# RadListView1.CurrentPageIndex + 1 %>'
            style="vertical-align: top;">
                <td colspan="2">
                    <div class="rssTitle">
                        <img src="images/iconRSS.png" alt="rss" />
                        <a href='<%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["link"].InnerText %>' class="qsfSubtitle">
                            <%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["title"].InnerText %>
                    <div class="rssDate">
                        <%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["pubDate"].InnerText %>
                    <img style="border: solid 1px #999" src='<%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["hww:photo"].InnerText %>'
                        alt='<%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["title"].InnerText %>' />
                    <img src='<%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["hww:flag"].InnerText %>' alt='<%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["hww:flag"].InnerText %>' />
                    <span class="rssDescription">
                        <%# (Container.DataItem as XmlNode)["description"].InnerText %></span>

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Telerik team
answered on 06 Dec 2012, 11:54 AM
Hello Thomas,

In the code behind wrap the doc.Load(rssUrl); inside Try-Catch statement, to handle the case when the RSS is not available.
See this help topic about accessing controls inside the ListView:

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