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Radinputmanager validation in radgrid

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Henrik asked on 12 Mar 2009, 08:42 AM
I'm using the Radinputmanager to style textboxes in a RadGrid. However, different validation rules exist for the textboxes in the grid. Some of them are required fields, while others must have a numeric value greater than zero.
Can I do such validation with the Radinputmanager or do I need to make some custom validation? If so, how do I prevent the grid page from posting back the page, if the custom validator or requiredfieldvalidator returns false?

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Mar 2009, 02:20 PM
Hello Henrik,

I think that you can take this online demo of RadGrid as a starting point for your implementation:

It illustrates how to apply different validation rules for the grid edit form editors based on their data type. Note that you can specify IsRequired = true for some of the input manager settings in order to make a particular field in the edit form required. These validation rules should automatically block the postback request when you attempt to update a record or trigger submit from other button which causes validation.

You can see that in action for the ProductName field on this online demo.

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the Telerik team

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