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RadInput uses old value instead of new value

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Ely asked on 10 Feb 2009, 09:13 AM

I have numerous radnumeric controls. i also have some required field validators for each of the controls. the form is shown via a radinwdow manager. problem is when the page is loaded with initial values and when i enter a blank value for the new value, the expected outcome must be that the required field validator would fire. instead, the validator did not fire causing the page to proceed with an invalid value. i noticed that the validators where not able to get the new value and instead used the old value. debugging the code also showed that the .Value and .Text properties of the radinput contains the old value instead of the newly entered one.

i have my submit buttons set to CausesValidation="false" and I trigger the validation by calling the this.Validate method and checking the Page.IsValid properties (which returns always true).

Thanks again,


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Telerik team
answered on 13 Feb 2009, 08:50 AM
Hello Ely,

How to use RequiredFieldValidator, RangeValidator and RegularExpressionValudator with RadNumericTextBox, RadTextBox, RadDateInput and RadMaskedTextBox  is shown in the following articles.All you need to do is set the ControlToValidate property of your validator to point to the respective input instance.
Validation Demo

Also we tried to reproduce the problem, but to no avail. If this information is not enough to overcome the issue, could you please isolate the problem in a small running project and attach the files to this thread? We will test it locally and try to provide a working solution for you.

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