Hello Team,
I am trying to export RadhtmlChart (pie chart) to PDF format using third party tool called "EvoPDF" which helps to convert HTML to PDF.
EVO HTML to PDF Converter offers full support for HTML tags, CSS and SVG.
Currently using EvoPDF i am successfully able to generate pie chart into PDF, but issue is the pie chart which is exported to PDF is
getting black.The original pie series consist of various different colors and in the PDF all the pie series are getting black.
Can you help to get the RadHtmlChart work together with EvoPDF.
Did RadHtmlChart support EvoPDF(EvoPDF supports SVG)?
We have attached the Pie chart getting black when exporting it into PDF using EvoPDF approach.
I am trying to export RadhtmlChart (pie chart) to PDF format using third party tool called "EvoPDF" which helps to convert HTML to PDF.
EVO HTML to PDF Converter offers full support for HTML tags, CSS and SVG.
Currently using EvoPDF i am successfully able to generate pie chart into PDF, but issue is the pie chart which is exported to PDF is
getting black.The original pie series consist of various different colors and in the PDF all the pie series are getting black.
Can you help to get the RadHtmlChart work together with EvoPDF.
Did RadHtmlChart support EvoPDF(EvoPDF supports SVG)?
We have attached the Pie chart getting black when exporting it into PDF using EvoPDF approach.