I have a RadGridView bound via the ItemsSource property to an QueryableCollectionView which is exposed as an IEnumerable property in a ViewModel. This ViewModel is the contents of a TabControl (RadTabControl).
The tab contorl does not persist the visual tree when the tabs are changed (as expected), but because I'm using QueryableCollectionView the view state of the grid is persisted.
When I go back to the original tab any filtering is reapplied as expected (great!) but the the inidividual column filters haven't been updated - the filter icon in the column header has not changed colour and importantly the column filters UI does not show all filtering possiblities.
Can some explain how I can get the grid to display correctly when it is re-bound to a QueryableCollectionView which has FilterDescriptors already defined?
Ollie Riches
The tab contorl does not persist the visual tree when the tabs are changed (as expected), but because I'm using QueryableCollectionView the view state of the grid is persisted.
When I go back to the original tab any filtering is reapplied as expected (great!) but the the inidividual column filters haven't been updated - the filter icon in the column header has not changed colour and importantly the column filters UI does not show all filtering possiblities.
Can some explain how I can get the grid to display correctly when it is re-bound to a QueryableCollectionView which has FilterDescriptors already defined?
Ollie Riches