i wonder if you can help
i have set up a radgrid with the google style filtering as explained here google like filter
and i have combined it with drag and drop rows like here http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/grid/examples/programming/draganddrop/defaultcs.aspx
fyi i have both grids in a RadAjaxPanel which seems ok as ive tried it with and without it.
the problem i am having is that when i apply a filter and then drag one of the filtered rows to the new grid the actual item that turns up in the
i wonder if you can help
i have set up a radgrid with the google style filtering as explained here google like filter
and i have combined it with drag and drop rows like here http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/grid/examples/programming/draganddrop/defaultcs.aspx
fyi i have both grids in a RadAjaxPanel which seems ok as ive tried it with and without it.
the problem i am having is that when i apply a filter and then drag one of the filtered rows to the new grid the actual item that turns up in the
e.DraggedItems collection of RadGrid1_RowDrop(object sender, GridDragDropEventArgs e) event is the wrong one.
if you imagine the grid as the following items
a b
1 1
1 2
2 1
2 2
and i filter on b = 2 i only see
a b
1 2
2 2
and then i select 2 2 to drag and drop , the recieving grid actually gets 1 2 , this is because the source grid has lost its filter at some point during the drag and drop process.
i hope this makes sense , and i am hoping someone can help.
thanks alot in advance.