i have radgrid which is placed in radtab.
i have given fixed width of 965px to all my grids in radtab. i have 6-7 rad tab with diffrent grids.
i have 15 columns in my grid. 4 are template columns(design time created). 1 gridclient select column, 1 grid edit command column and rest of the are bound columns. in column created events i have given fixed width to headerstyle.width for every column.
my template columns have given fixed width of 80px. in my grid pre-render event i'm swapping my template columns with bound columns.
i'm able to see each column properly with scrollbar but some extra white space is displayed out of grid and in radtab pan.
if i'm removing my template columns then that white space is removed. but due to the functionality i can not remove my template columns. is there any way to remove that white space from radtab.