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RadGrid rows hidden on modal popup extender

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Ninoslav asked on 17 Feb 2017, 09:15 PM


I have a problem with user control which contains RadGrid. When used on modal popup extender displayed over aspx page, everything works. But, when control containing RadGrid is shown on modal popup which is on top of another modal popup, grid rows are hidden.

Grid i populated with List<>, successfully bound (on button click). Header, footer, page slider, total rows and page number are shown as usual. 

After inspection with developer tools, I found out that the rows are there (with TGridItemStyle class), but with inline CSS attribute display set to none. Also, header grid has margin-right set to 17px (I saw that some users had problem with that margin reserved for scroll bar). Changing display attribute to (in example) inline or block shows rows. Also, if I set ItemStyle in markup to some class which defines display as inline !important, rows will be shown. However, cells are not same size in all the rows.

I have tried setting visibility on client side (I have used set_visible(true) on RowCreated and RowDataBound events) and even tried to cancel RowHiding event, but nothing worked. Events are normally fired, properties were set, but the rows still weren't displayed.

And, of course, I have run out of ideas... So, does anyone have some hints, ideas or (ideally) solution to this behavior? Any help or suggestion is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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