I have a simple rad grid as follows:
But this grid is not visible!
I can see that the grid is populated but still not visible. On debugging i see the grid being rendered as follows:
<div class="RadGrid RadGrid_WebBlue" id="OrderBaseCtrl_GXHyperLinkTab_ctl00_FsMain_ProposalDealBANCtrl_FsMain__RadGrid1" style="width: 100%;">
On comparision with other grids, i noticed that this <div> does not have a <table>.
PLease help me.
class AssignBanGridCtrl : WebControl
#region Fields
private RadAjaxLoadingPanel _RadLoadingPanel = new RadAjaxLoadingPanel();
private UpdatePanel _UpdatePanel = new UpdatePanel();
private RadGrid _RadGrid1 = new RadGrid();
private PriceDealProductBanTable _PriceDealProductBanTable = new PriceDealProductBanTable();
private PriceDealProposal _Proposal = null;
private bool _HasOrderRequest = false;
#region Constructors
public AssignBanGridCtrl(PriceDealProposal proposal, bool hasOrderRequest)
: base()
#region Overrides
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
this._RadLoadingPanel.ID = "_RadLoadingPanel";
this._RadLoadingPanel.Transparency = 30;
this._RadLoadingPanel.Skin = "WebBlue";
this._RadLoadingPanel.BackgroundPosition = AjaxLoadingPanelBackgroundPosition.Center;
#region Grid1
this._RadGrid1.ID = "_RadGrid1";
this._RadGrid1.Skin = "WebBlue";
this._RadGrid1.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
this._RadGrid1.GridLines = GridLines.None;
this._RadGrid1.PageSize = 20;
this._RadGrid1.AllowPaging = false;
this._RadGrid1.PagerStyle.Mode = GridPagerMode.NextPrevAndNumeric;
this._RadGrid1.AllowSorting = true;
this._RadGrid1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
this._RadGrid1.EnableLinqExpressions = false;
this._RadGrid1.ShowGroupPanel = false;
this._RadGrid1.ShowStatusBar = true;
this._RadGrid1.GroupingEnabled = true;
this._RadGrid1.ClientSettings.DataBinding.EnableCaching = true;
this._RadGrid1.MasterTableView.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
this._RadGrid1.MasterTableView.Caption = "BAN List";
this._RadGrid1.MasterTableView.EnableHeaderContextMenu = true;
this._RadGrid1.MasterTableView.NoMasterRecordsText = "No Locations found";
this._RadGrid1.NeedDataSource += RadGrid1_NeedDataSource;
this._RadGrid1.MasterTableView.DataKeyNames = new string[] { this.xyz.ColumnName };
#region Columns
GridBoundColumn boundColumn = new GridBoundColumn();
boundColumn.DataField = this.xyz.ColumnName;;
boundColumn.HeaderText = "Product";
boundColumn = new GridBoundColumn();
boundColumn.DataField = this.xyz.ColumnName;
boundColumn.HeaderText = "Location";
this._UpdatePanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object sender, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
this.xyz= new DealId().ExecuteTypedDataTable(this._Proposal.PriceDealId);
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
But this grid is not visible!
I can see that the grid is populated but still not visible. On debugging i see the grid being rendered as follows:
<div class="RadGrid RadGrid_WebBlue" id="OrderBaseCtrl_GXHyperLinkTab_ctl00_FsMain_ProposalDealBANCtrl_FsMain__RadGrid1" style="width: 100%;">
On comparision with other grids, i noticed that this <div> does not have a <table>.
PLease help me.