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RadGrid not updating!

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Scott asked on 29 Dec 2009, 06:07 PM
This code is loosely based on several of the demos. The main issue I'm having right now is that when I save data through my external form and call e.Item.OwnerTableView.Rebind() the RadGrid does not get updated. The only way to get the RadGrid to update is by paging or clicking the "Refresh" button.

I'm calling e.Item.OwnerTableView.Rebind() and e.Item.Selected = true within the RadGrid_ItemCommand method.

I have paste all code below incase I'm doing something stupid that's screwing everything up. I'm guessing it's a timing issue.

Thanks for any help.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="XmlHttpPanel3.aspx.cs" Inherits="XmlHttpPanel3" %> 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 
<html xmlns=""
<head runat="server"
    <telerik:radcodeblock id="RadCodeBlock" runat="server"
        <script type="text/javascript"
            function radGrid_RowSelected(sender, args) {
                var key = args.getDataKeyValue("ContentId");
                var panel = $find("<%=RadXmlHttpPanel.ClientID %>");
    <form id="form1" runat="server"
            <asp:scriptmanager id="ScriptManager" runat="server" /> 
            <telerik:radcombobox id="RadComboBox" runat="server" skin="Telerik" datasourceid="ContentGroupDataSource" datatextfield="ContentGroupName" datavaluefield="ContentGroupId" autopostback="true" appenddatabounditems="true" onselectedindexchanged="RadComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged"
                    <telerik:radcomboboxitem text="All" value="0" selected="true" /> 
            <br /> 
            <style type="text/css"
                .RadGrid_Telerik .rgFilterRow td { 
                    padding-top: 8px; 
            <telerik:radgrid id="RadGrid" runat="server" skin="Telerik" width="250" allowpaging="true" allowfilteringbycolumn="true" autogeneratecolumns="false" oninit="RadGrid_Init" onneeddatasource="RadGrid_NeedDataSource" onitemcommand="RadGrid_ItemCommand"
                <mastertableview commanditemdisplay="Top" editmode="EditForms" datakeynames="ContentId" clientdatakeynames="ContentId"
                        <telerik:gridboundcolumn uniquename="ContentName" datafield="ContentName" headertext="Name" filtercontrolwidth="200px" currentfilterfunction="Contains" autopostbackonfilter="true"></telerik:gridboundcolumn> 
                    <commanditemsettings addnewrecordtext="Add new content" /> 
                    <editformsettings editformtype="Template"
                            <div style="background:#9DDF6C;padding-top:5px;"
                                <table width="100%"
                                        <td style="padding-left:2px;"
                                            <asp:textbox id="ContentName" runat="server" width="187px"></asp:textbox> 
                                        <td colspan="2" align="right" style="padding-right:10px;"
                                            <asp:linkbutton id="Insert" runat="server" commandname="PerformInsert" text="Insert"></asp:linkbutton> 
                                            <asp:linkbutton id="Cancel" runat="server" commandname="Cancel" text="Cancel" causesvalidation="false" onclientclick="<%Eval(this.ClientFireCommandFunction(Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.CancelCommandName, String.Empty)) %>"></asp:linkbutton> 
                <clientsettings enablerowhoverstyle="true"
                    <selecting allowrowselect="true" /> 
                    <clientevents onrowselected="radGrid_RowSelected" /> 
                <groupingsettings casesensitive="false" /> 
                <pagerstyle mode="NumericPages" showpagertext="false" pagebuttoncount="5" /> 
            <telerik:radxmlhttppanel id="RadXmlHttpPanel" runat="server" skin="Telerik" onservicerequest="RadXmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest" loadingpanelid="RadAjaxLoadingPanel" enableclientscriptevaluation="true"
                <asp:multiview id="MultiView" runat="server"
                    <asp:view id="SelectView" runat="server"
                        Select Content                     
                    <asp:view id="EditView" runat="server"
                        <asp:label id="ContentId" runat="server"></asp:label> 
                        <br /> 
                        <asp:textbox id="ContentName" runat="server"></asp:textbox> 
                        <br /> 
                        <telerik:radcombobox id="ContentGroup" runat="server" skin="Telerik" datatextfield="ContentGroupName" datavaluefield="ContentGroupId"></telerik:radcombobox> 
                        <br /> 
                        <asp:linkbutton id="SaveContent" runat="server" text="Save" onclick="SaveContent_Click"></asp:linkbutton> 
            <telerik:radajaxmanager id="RadAjaxManager" runat="server"
                    <telerik:ajaxsetting ajaxcontrolid="RadComboBox"
                            <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="RadComboBox" /> 
                            <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="RadGrid" loadingpanelid="RadAjaxLoadingPanel" /> 
                            <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="RadXmlHttpPanel" /> 
                    <telerik:ajaxsetting ajaxcontrolid="RadGrid"
                            <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="RadComboBox" /> 
                            <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="RadGrid" loadingpanelid="RadAjaxLoadingPanel" /> 
                            <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="RadXmlHttpPanel" />                             
            <telerik:radajaxloadingpanel id="RadAjaxLoadingPanel" runat="server"></telerik:radajaxloadingpanel> 
            <asp:objectdatasource id="ContentGroupDataSource" runat="server" typename="Abc.WD.InternationalStore.DataAccess.DataTableAdapters.ContentGroupInfoTableAdapter" selectmethod="GetDataByStoreId"
                    <asp:parameter type="String" name="StoreId" defaultvalue="49D4B1F4-236B-DE11-870E-001A6465230E" /> 
                    <asp:parameter type="Int32" name="CultureId" defaultvalue="1033" /> 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Web.UI; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
using Abc.WD.InternationalStore.DataAccess.DataTableAdapters; 
using Abc.WD.InternationalStore.DataAccess; 
using Telerik.Web.UI; 
public partial class XmlHttpPanel3 : System.Web.UI.Page 
    protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
    protected void SaveContent_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
        (RadGrid.Items[0] as GridDataItem).FireCommandEvent(RadGrid.UpdateCommandName, String.Empty); 
    protected void RadGrid_Init(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
        GridFilterMenu menu = RadGrid.FilterMenu; 
        Int32 i = 0; 
        while (i < menu.Items.Count) 
            if (menu.Items[i].Text == "NoFilter" || menu.Items[i].Text == "Contains"
    protected void RadGrid_ItemCreated(Object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) 
        if(e.Item is GridEditableItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode) 
            GridEditableItem item = e.Item as GridEditableItem; 
            LinkButton insert = item.FindControl("Insert"as LinkButton; 
            insert.OnClientClick = String.Format("if(!$find('{0}').fireCommand('PerformInsert', '')) return false;", e.Item.OwnerID); 
            LinkButton cancel = item.FindControl("Cancel"as LinkButton; 
            cancel.OnClientClick = String.Format("if(!$find('{0}').fireCommand('CancelInsert','')) return false;", e.Item.OwnerID); 
    protected void RadGrid_ItemCommand(Object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs e) 
        switch (e.CommandName) 
            case RadGrid.PageCommandName: 
                    MultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 0; 
            case RadGrid.InitInsertCommandName: 
                    RadComboBox.Text = "All"
                    RadComboBox.Items[0].Selected = true
                    RadComboBox.Enabled = false
                    RadGrid.MasterTableView.FilterExpression = String.Empty; 
                    foreach (GridColumn column in RadGrid.Columns) 
                        column.CurrentFilterFunction = GridKnownFunction.Contains; 
                        column.CurrentFilterValue = String.Empty; 
                    RadXmlHttpPanel.Value = String.Empty; 
            case RadGrid.PerformInsertCommandName: 
                    GridEditFormInsertItem item = e.Item as GridEditFormInsertItem; 
                    String contentName = ((TextBox)item.FindControl("ContentName")).Text; 
                    //String contentGroupId = ((RadComboBox)item.FindControl("ContentGroup")).SelectedValue; 
                    String contentGroupId = RadComboBox.FindItemByText("General").Value; 
                    ContentInfoTableAdapter adpater = new ContentInfoTableAdapter(); 
                    adpater.GetDataByInsert("49D4B1F4-236B-DE11-870E-001A6465230E", contentGroupId, contentName, String.Empty, 1033); 
                    RadComboBox.Enabled = true
                    RadGrid.AllowFilteringByColumn = true
                    if (RadGrid.Items.Count == RadGrid.PageSize) 
            case RadGrid.CancelCommandName: 
                    RadComboBox.Enabled = true
                    RadGrid.CurrentPageIndex = 0; 
                    RadGrid.AllowFilteringByColumn = true
            case RadGrid.UpdateCommandName: 
                    String contentId = (RadGrid.SelectedItems[0] as GridDataItem).GetDataKeyValue("ContentId").ToString(); 
                    ContentInfoTableAdapter adapter = new ContentInfoTableAdapter(); 
                    Data.ContentInfoDataTable table = adapter.GetDataByUpdate(contentId, ContentName.Text, String.Empty, 1033, ContentGroup.SelectedValue); 
                    Data.ContentInfoRow content = table[0]; 
                    MultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 1; 
                    e.Item.Selected = true
    protected void RadComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e) 
        MultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 0; 
        RadGrid.CurrentPageIndex = 0; 
    protected void RadGrid_NeedDataSource(Object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e) 
        ContentInfoTableAdapter adapter = new ContentInfoTableAdapter(); 
        if (RadComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) 
            RadGrid.DataSource = adapter.GetDataByStoreId("49D4B1F4-236B-DE11-870E-001A6465230E", 1033); 
            RadGrid.DataSource = adapter.GetDataByContentGroupId(RadComboBox.SelectedValue, 1033); 
    protected void RadXmlHttpPanel_ServiceRequest(Object sender, RadXmlHttpPanelEventArgs e) 
        ContentInfoTableAdapter adapter = new ContentInfoTableAdapter(); 
        Data.ContentInfoDataTable table = adapter.GetDataByContentId(e.Value, 1033); 
        Data.ContentInfoRow content = table[0]; 
        MultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 1; 
    void SetEditView(Data.ContentInfoRow content) 
        ContentId.Text = content.ContentId.ToString(); 
        ContentName.Text = content.ContentName; 
        ContentGroup.DataSource = ContentGroupDataSource; 
        RadComboBoxItem selectedContentGroup = ContentGroup.FindItemByValue(content.ContentGroupId.ToString()); 
        selectedContentGroup.Selected = true
        ContentGroup.Text = selectedContentGroup.Text; 

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Telerik team
answered on 30 Dec 2009, 07:12 AM
Hello Scott,

Try adding the following ajax setting to the RadAjaxManger control:

<telerik:ajaxsetting ajaxcontrolid="SaveContent">  
        <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="RadGrid" loadingpanelid="RadAjaxLoadingPanel" />

I hope it helps.

the Telerik team

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Jay Anderson
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answered on 05 Jan 2010, 08:55 PM
I am having a similar issue. I am binding to an IList which is populated by a business object, using Linq. The Update, Insert, and Delete operations are all handled by events, not through Linq directly. The Insert and Delete operations both work as intended. I click the add new record button, enter information, and the grid updates properly, displaying the data after the AJAX call. Delete works also, dropping the row after the AJAX call.  The database is updated, also.

However, with Update, the fields turn to edit boxes, you enter your changes, and those are visible. After Update is called, the fields change back to the original values (before typing the changes). The database is changed to the values that were typed in, but those aren't reflected in the grid. Only after a refresh is the current data displayed.
    private void BindWebDataGrid() 
        TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid.DataSource = null
        csgAgreementEfcoUserXRefs = _csgAgreementEfcoUserXrefBL.GetByCsgAgreementId(Agreement.Id); 
        TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid.DataSource = csgAgreementEfcoUserXRefs
    protected void TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid_NeedDataSource(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e) 
        TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid.DataSource = null
        csgAgreementEfcoUserXRefs = _csgAgreementEfcoUserXrefBL.GetByCsgAgreementId(Agreement.Id); 
        TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid.DataSource = csgAgreementEfcoUserXRefs
    protected void TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid_UpdateCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e) 
        Efco.Business.Data.CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef = new CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef(CurrentUser); 
        GridEditableItem item = e.Item as GridEditableItem; 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.AgreementId = Agreement.Id; 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.EfcoUserId = Convert.ToInt32((item["EfcoUserId"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text); 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.CommissionPercentage = Convert.ToDecimal((item["CommissionPercentage"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text); 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.Sequence = Convert.ToInt16((item["Sequence"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text); 
        catch (Exception ex) 
            TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Unable to update CSG Consultant. Reason: " + ex.Message)); 
    protected void TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid_InsertCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e) 
        Efco.Business.Data.CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef = new CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef(CurrentUser); 
        GridEditableItem item = e.Item as GridEditableItem; 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.AgreementId = Agreement.Id;  
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.EfcoUserId = Convert.ToInt32((item["EfcoUserId"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text); 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.CommissionPercentage = Convert.ToDecimal((item["CommissionPercentage"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text); 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.Sequence = Convert.ToInt16((item["Sequence"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text); 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.RecordCreatedDate = DateTime.Now; 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.RecordCreatedEfcoUserId = CurrentUser.Id; 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.RecordUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef.RecordUpdatedEfcoUserId = CurrentUser.Id; 
        catch (Exception ex) 
            TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Unable to insert CSG Consultant. Reason: " + ex.Message)); 
    protected void TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid_DeleteCommand(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs e) 
        Efco.Business.Data.CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef = new CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef(CurrentUser); 
        GridDataItem item = e.Item as GridDataItem; 
            csgAgreementEfcoUserXRef = _csgAgreementEfcoUserXrefBL.GetById(Agreement.Id, 
        catch (Exception ex) 
            TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Unable to delete CSG Consultant. Reason: " + ex.Message)); 
<Easi:EasiDataPanel ID="TelerikCSGConsultantDataPanel" runat="server"
    <telerik:RadGrid ID="TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid" runat="server"  
        AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None"  
        ShowStatusBar="True" > 
        <MasterTableView CommandItemDisplay="Top" EditMode="InPlace" > 
                <HeaderStyle Width="20px" /> 
                <HeaderStyle Width="20px" /> 
                <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="AgreementId" HeaderText="Agreement ID" DefaultInsertValue="" UniqueName="AgreementNumber"  
                <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="EfcoUserId" HeaderText="Efco User ID" DefaultInsertValue="" UniqueName="EfcoUserId"
                <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="CommissionPercentage" HeaderText="Commission Percentage" DefaultInsertValue=""  
                <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Sequence" HeaderText="Sequence" DefaultInsertValue="" UniqueName="Sequence"
                <telerik:GridButtonColumn CommandName="Select" Text="Select"  
                <telerik:GridButtonColumn CommandName="Delete" Text="Delete"  
                <EditColumn UniqueName="EditCommandColumn1"
<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server"  
        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid"
                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid" LoadingPanelID="TelerikCSGConsultantDataPanel" /> 

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answered on 05 Jan 2010, 09:16 PM

Adding the additional ajax setting appears to have solved the problem.

Thanks so much for your help.

Jay Anderson
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Rank 1
answered on 11 Jan 2010, 05:26 PM
The code change suggested for Scott did not work in my case. Is there anything else to look at?

Should I post this in it's own thread? I'm not sure what method would be preferred, because Scott's issue was very similar to mine.
Telerik team
answered on 14 Jan 2010, 12:37 PM
Hi Jay,

Have you properly ajaxified your grid (as Scott's scenario was slightly different than yours). The ajax setting you need is as follows:

<telerik:ajaxsetting ajaxcontrolid="TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid>   
        <telerik:ajaxupdatedcontrol controlid="TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid" loadingpanelid="RadAjaxLoadingPanel" /> 

If this doesn't help, could you specify where you are calling the BindWebDataGrid method and why?

Thanks in advance.

the Telerik team

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Jay Anderson
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answered on 14 Jan 2010, 02:00 PM
I have the ajax code installed in an ajax manager at the bottom of the page.

<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server"  
        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid"
                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="TelerikCSGConsultantRadGrid" LoadingPanelID="TelerikCSGConsultantDataPanel" /> 

I am calling the BindWebDataGrid in the Page_Load. If the page is a post back, the page_load is exited with a return statement. I have this in a method, because I was also trying to call the BindWebDataGrid after every insert/update/delete, by calling it in the corresponding events. This also did not work. Here is the rest of the code-behind for the page.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Web.UI; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
using Efco.Business.Data; 
using Efco.Framework.WebControls.Base; 
using Telerik.Web.UI; 
public partial class Agreement_TelerikCSGConsultantWebControl : EfcoBaseControl 
    #region Private Members 
    private AgreementBL _agreementBL; 
    private CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRefBL _csgAgreementEfcoUserXrefBL; 
    private IList<CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef> csgAgreementEfcoUserXRefs; 
    #region Properties 
    public Agreement Agreement { get; set; } 
    public CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRef { get; set; } 
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
        _agreementBL = new AgreementBL(CurrentUser); 
        _csgAgreementEfcoUserXrefBL = new CsgAgreementEfcoUserXRefBL(CurrentUser); 
        Agreement = _agreementBL.GetById(Agreement.Id); 
        if (Page.IsPostBack) 
        if (Agreement == null) 
            Agreement = new Agreement(CurrentUser); 
    #region Binding Methods 
    public void Bind(Agreement agreement) 
        Agreement = agreement

Thank you for the reply, and the help.
Telerik team
answered on 15 Jan 2010, 01:58 PM
Hello Jay,

Please, note the difference between Simple and Advanced databinding as demonstrated in the linked online examples and the related help topics. In your case, you need to use Advanced databinding, i.e. bind your grid only in the NeedDataSource event.

the Telerik team

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Jay Anderson
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answered on 15 Jan 2010, 02:31 PM
I have removed any calls to bind the grid, except for in the NeedDataSource event. I have also cleared the generic collection I am using for the data source before I repopulate the collection, and then assign it to the data source. I even tried a Thread.Sleep(1000), to see if the update was going through to the Linq data source before the collection was repopulated.  The value after the update is still the old value (before the update), not the updated value.  And the value in the Sql table is the new value.  After refreshing the page manually, the new value is displayed.

I have verified by using breakpoints that the Page_Load fires, then the NeedDataSource, and the page is displayed. When you click the edit link on the row to update it, Page_Load fires, then NeedDataSource, then the page is displayed, with the fields in the update state (inline in my case). I then change the value, and click the Update link. Page_Load fires, then UpdateCommand (the change is saved to Linq business object using Save in this step),  then NeedDataSource, and the page is displayed.  The field that was updated displays the old value, not the updated value.  I then refresh the page (hit F5, refresh, etc.), Page_Load fires, then NeedDataSource, then the page is displayed.  Now the new value is displayed.

EnableViewState is set to true on the RadGrid.

I am unable to create a project to send, because this is built on an internal database, which is too large to send. Plus there is proprietary and private information in there. Also it is a large project, taking up a lot of space. I will have to see if I can recreate it in another environment, if that is required.

If you have examples of using business objects to display in RadGrid, using a backend of Linq for a datasource, then I could take a look at a comparison between that and my project. I'm probably just missing a setting somewhere.
Jay Anderson
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Rank 1
answered on 15 Jan 2010, 07:31 PM
I got this to work. I was not constructing the Update item properly. I used the example to update the event. Now the event gets the item from Sql first, updates those fields, and commits it to Sql. Now the updated items show up in the grid after the update link is clicked.

Thanks for the help!
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Telerik team
Jay Anderson
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