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[RadGrid] ExportToCSV, row refresh?

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Chong asked on 17 Jan 2013, 09:42 AM
Hi all,

I am currently exploring on telerik radgrid, I am required to have a button to Export to CSV and using telerik's radgrid method, .ExportToCSV, it works wonders! But i found out that there is an issue where after I click to export the file, the whole page dies (not responsive) e.g. my other button "Submit" / "Cancel" / "dropdown_onselectedindexchange". May I know if anyone encountered this?

Another query is that is there any function that I can refresh only a row within the RadGrid? As I have a dropdown control for each of the rows in the dropdown causing a postback after selecting an option, which causes postback. I have implemented an update panel for it but users is complaining they need to wait for the dropdown to populate the textboxes before proceeding on to the next record. I am looking into ways that it would be best to refresh only the row as user can proceed on without waiting for the postback to happen.


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