Hi Team,
We are experiencing problem with applying partial cell styling after exporting .xlsx. (making part of a string bold)
Example if Table.Cells[1,1] = "Filter By Physicians : Andrew Small (1000316817),Andrew Wise (1000330560),Anthony Alston (1000411264),Anthony Holden (1000182861),Anthony Kane (1000521565),Brandon Logan"
we want to make "Filter By Physicians" bold as shown in above string.
we are using below method for formatting cells.
protected void RadGridQMList_InfrastructureExporting(object sender, GridInfrastructureExportingEventArgs e)
table.Cells[c, r].Value = "test";
Method to export xlsx
RadGridQMList.ExportSettings.Excel.Format = GridExcelExportFormat.Xlsx;
Kindly let us know how to solve this issue. We will wait for your reply.
Thanks and Regards,