I've the below format in my aspx:
I need to do the foll:
1) When exporting to excel, how do I left justify the header and excell cell contents .(i've biff formatting. I cannot change it to html due to excel warning message.)
I tried this in itemCommand:
I've the below format in my aspx:
<ExportSettings ExportOnlyData="true" OpenInNewWindow="true" HideStructureColumns="true">
<Excel Format="Biff" />
I need to do the foll:
1) When exporting to excel, how do I left justify the header and excell cell contents .(i've biff formatting. I cannot change it to html due to excel warning message.)
I tried this in itemCommand:
Item = (GridItem)radDASignature.MasterTableView.GetItems(GridItemType.Item)[0];
foreach (TableCell tcell in Item.Cells)
tcell.Text = tcell.Text.Replace(
"<nobr>", "");
"text-align"] = "left";
tcell.HorizontalAlign =
This above doesn't work. Please help with code.
2) When exporting the cell content in excel,I have <nobr> and </nobr> tags to the data. How do I get rid of them while exporting.
I set them in column created event to avoid wrapping of cell contents. However, I do not want the <nobr> added to the excel data while exporting.