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RadGrid doesn't display PageIndex within RadPanelBar items

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imran asked on 20 Dec 2013, 03:27 AM

We have a collapsible RadPanelBar which has a RadGrid and the PageIndex is only displayed in one of the following scenario but the PageIndex is not displayed in the other 2 scenarios. We were initially using RadControl 2010 Q3 which was working fine in all scenarios now we have upgraded to RadControl version 2013.3.1015.40.

Scenario 1: Build and run the project under Windows XP environment – IE 7 (localhost)

1 - Create RadPanelBar

2 - Create nested RadPanelItem under point 1

3 - Create nested RadPanelItem under point 2

4 - Create a RadGrid under point 3

                The RadGrid is nested within the last RadPanelItem.

                The RadPanelItem is collapsable which so RadGrid does.

                The PageIndex on the RadGrid is displayed.

Scenario 2: Build and run the project under Windows 7 environment – IE 8 (localhost)

1 - Create RadPanelBar

2 - Create nested RadPanelItem under point 1

3 - Create nested RadPanelItem under point 2

4 - Create a RadGrid under point 3

                The RadGrid is nested within the last RadPanelItem.

                The RadPanelItem is collapsable which so RadGrid does.

                The PageIndex on the RadGrid is missing.

Scenario 3: Deploy the project under Windows 2003 and 2008 server – open the webpage from IE7 and 8.

1 - Create RadPanelBar

2 - Create nested RadPanelItem under point 1

3 - Create nested RadPanelItem under point 2

4 - Create a RadGrid under point 3

                The RadGrid is nested within the last RadPanelItem.

                The RadPanelItem is collapsable which so RadGrid does.

                The PageIndex on the RadGrid is missing.

Following is aspx code:

<p><telerik:RadPanelBar ID="radPnlBrPrograms" runat="server" Width="100%" Skin="Vista">
                                    <telerik:RadPanelItem runat="server" Text="In Planning">
                                            <telerik:RadPanelItem runat="server" Value="radPnlOpenProg" >
                                                    <telerik:RadGrid ID="grdOpenProg" runat="server" GridLines="Both" AllowPaging="True" 
                                                                    AllowSorting="false" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ShowStatusBar="true"
                                                                    AllowMultiRowSelection="False"  AllowFilteringByColumn="false" Skin="Vista"
                                                            <MasterTableView PageSize="5" runat="server"  AllowSorting="false"                                                                         
                                                                             DataKeyNames="SP_ID" Name="GET_Win" NoMasterRecordsText="No open program found.">
                                                                    <telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="SP_ID" DataField="SP_ID" Visible="false"></telerik:GridBoundColumn>
                                                                    <telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="ProgramNo" DataField="ProgramNo" HeaderText="Program No" HeaderStyle-Width="25%" />
                                                                    <telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="SPR_Planned_Isolation_Date" DataField="Planned_Isolation_Date" HeaderText="Date Start" HeaderStyle-Width="25%" />
                                                                    <telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="Site_Name" DataField="Site_Name" HeaderText="Site" HeaderStyle-Width="25%"/>                                                                    
                                                                    <telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="Status_Name" DataField="Status_Name" HeaderText="Status" HeaderStyle-Width="25%"/>                                                                   
                                                            <ClientSettings EnableRowHoverStyle="true" >                                                                
                                                                <Selecting AllowRowSelect="true" />                                
                                                            <PagerStyle Mode="NumericPages"></PagerStyle>

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answered on 24 Dec 2013, 02:08 PM

I have tested the described scenario but unfortunately could not replicate the issue at my side. Here is a video of my test and I am attaching my sample web page. Would you please review them and let me know what else should be done or added to the code in order to observe the issue locally and be more helpful with a possible solution.

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