I have a radgrid(ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2008) on that i have a Bounded column " QUANTITY". I want to show this column having format of rounding off to two decimal places. The main issue iam facing is that when in add Mode I enter 9 in QuanityColumn, It should get changed to 9.00 on tabbing out of that column. Kindly let me know how to procedd to achive the above end result. The same applies for Quantity column in Edit Mode. Screenshot is attached. Please help.
I have a radgrid(ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2008) on that i have a Bounded column " QUANTITY". I want to show this column having format of rounding off to two decimal places. The main issue iam facing is that when in add Mode I enter 9 in QuanityColumn, It should get changed to 9.00 on tabbing out of that column. Kindly let me know how to procedd to achive the above end result. The same applies for Quantity column in Edit Mode. Screenshot is attached. Please help.