is there a way to accomplish the following task using the RadGrid client side API:
As you can noticed from the following code, i'm able to get the object of target column but could not find a property which can allow me to change the background color. Please let me know what i'm missing here
//Define array of columns
is there a way to accomplish the following task using the RadGrid client side API:
RadGridComparableAnalysis.MasterTableView.AutoGeneratedColumns[columnCounter].ItemStyle.BackColor =
As you can noticed from the following code, i'm able to get the object of target column but could not find a property which can allow me to change the background color. Please let me know what i'm missing here
//Define array of columns
var grdColumns = new Array(masterTable.get_columns().length);
//Get all columns
grdColumns = masterTable.get_columns();
//Navigate to all columns and chage background color for the required columns
for (var columnCounter = 0; columnCounter < masterTable.get_columns().length; columnCounter++) {
var remainder = (columnCounter % 2);
if (remainder == 0) {
var grdColumn = grdColumns[columnCounter];
//masterTable.getColumnByUniqueName(grdColumn.get_uniqueName()).backColor = "Blue";
//masterTable.autoGeneratedColumns[columnCounter].itemStyle.iackColor = "Blue";